Saturday, August 27, 2016

Favorite Twin Peaks Podcasts

I had originally hoped to put up about 1 post per week.  It looks like maybe 1 per month might be more accurate for the time being.

I work in a cubicle (and if that sounds like a bad thing, you have never worked retail).  The main advantage (other than no contact with customers) is that I have almost unlimited time to listen to podcasts.  And I love podcasts. (You might say that I am a recovering talk-radio listener.)  I have around 50 podcasts in my feed.  Two of which are Twin Peaks podcasts.


This is the first Twin Peaks podcast that resonated with me.  I think I discovered it about halfway through their run of covering the episodes.  It didn't take me long to catch up and since that point my day is always made when a new Sparkwood and 21 shows up in my feed.

Since they have now covered most Twin Peaks related topics (episodes, Fire Walk With Me, Laura's diary etc.) the frequency of new episodes has dropped off for the time being.  That's completely understandable as they have covered just about everything to date.  Recently they covered the great Lynch film Lost Highway.  (I'm hoping for some Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet coverage soon.  Hint. Hint.)

Sparkwood is not their only podcast and it shows.  Em and Steve clearly know what they are doing.  The pacing is perfect and they have a subtle sense of humor that has had me laughing out loud more than once.  Many novice podcasters quickly go to constant laughter - something that annoys me to no end.  That is not a concern here.

Finally they always manage to pick up on things that I have missed during my countless viewings of the series.  I've been a fan and thinking about the show since the day the pilot first aired, yet they are always able to give me more to consider.  Listener correspondence is a big part of their show.  They have several really smart fans that contribute amazing letters full of more great and original thoughts.

The rumor is that they also cover Penny Dreadful and Vikings.  I will at some point watch those shows mainly so I can listen to their podcasts.

Not to be missed


This newer podcast comes from the UK.  I just discovered this one a couple of weeks ago and I'm nearly caught up.  Like Sparkwood and 21 this is a well-paced podcast with a good deal of sophisticated humor.  The three hosts have an uncanny ability to pick up on the underlying theme of each episode.  From there they pull out different layers of meaning and nuance from the scenes discussed.  Again, they are constantly making points that have eluded me during my 25 years with the show.

A good example of this is Nadine's drapes.  I have always just considered this to be a funny idea dreamed up by Lynch and Frost to convey Nadine's unsettled state of mind.  It has never occured to me (and I'm not sure anyone else) that this could be a reference to the drapes in the Black Lodge.  And it's her attempt to silence that knawing sense of dread that comes with a visit to the Lodge.  (Even if she doesn't remember it as such.)  The lodges seem to be tied to the physical place of Twin Peaks in some wierd way so it would stand to reason that several of the shows characters have been there at one time or another.

That's just one example; there are many others.  I can't wait to listen to their Fire Walk With Me podcast(s).  It's always nice to learn more about that movie!

I am embarrased to admit that I have yet to leave an iTunes review of either of these podcasts.  That would be far more helpful to them than this blog post which may never be read by anyone other than me.  (I'm nothing if not realistic.)  I am beyond excited to listen to their coverage of the new episodes.  (New episodes!  Still can't believe it's happening.)